
A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019 | NEJM

In December 2019, a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown cause was linked to a seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, China. A previously unknown betacoronavirus was discovered through the use of unbiased sequencing in samples from patients with pneumonia. Human airway epithelial cells were used to isolate a novel coronavirus, named 2019-nCoV, which formed another clade within the subgenus sarbecovirus, Orthocoronavirinae subfamily. Different from both MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV is the seventh member of the family of coronaviruses that infect humans. Enhanced surveillance and further investigation are ongoing. (Funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China and the National Major Project for Control and Prevention of Infectious Disease in China.)
A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019 | NEJM

Coronavirus Live Updates: China’s Travel Limits Now Cover 35 Million People – The New York Times

Hospitals and medical workers at the center of the outbreak in Wuhan made urgent appeals for supplies, as stocks of surgical masks and other equipment quickly flew off shelves.

“Shortage of medical supplies, request help!!!” the Wuhan Children’s Hospital said on Thursday in a post on Weibo, the Chinese social network.

The hospital asked for donations of surgical masks, disposable garments, protective goggles and gloves.

Several others, including Hubei General Hospital, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and the Central Hospital of Wuhan, posted similar notices.

The central government on Thursday acknowledged the severe strain on resources, and the Ministry of Finance announced an urgent allocation of one billion renminbi, about $144 million, for epidemic prevention and control work.

Zdroj: Coronavirus Live Updates: China’s Travel Limits Now Cover 35 Million People – The New York Times

Léčba vlastními, ale geneticky upravenými krvinkami bude poprvé v Česku podána dětskému pacientovi. VZP jí uhradí – Zdravotnický deník

„Léčba geneticky upravenými vlastními lymfocyty pacienta  získala v dětské onkologii souhlas regulačních orgánů pro akutní lymfoblastickou leukemii rezistentní na standardní léčbu. Je to léčebný postup, který má v této pro pacienta téměř bezvýchodné situaci potenciál onemocnění vyléčit,“

Zdroj: Léčba vlastními, ale geneticky upravenými krvinkami bude poprvé v Česku podána dětskému pacientovi. VZP jí uhradí – Zdravotnický deník