
Covid vaccine tracker: when will a coronavirus vaccine be ready? | World news | The Guardian

Vaccines normally require years of testing and additional time to produce at scale, but scientists are hoping to develop a coronavirus vaccine within 12 to 18 months.Vaccines mimic the virus – or part of the virus – they protect against, stimulating the immune system to develop antibodies. They must follow higher safety standards than other drugs because they are given to millions of healthy people.

Zdroj: Covid vaccine tracker: when will a coronavirus vaccine be ready? | World news | The Guardian

Most N95 Masks Imported From China Fail to Meet US Standards

Up to 70% of KN95 masks, which are certified in China, do not meet US standards for effectiveness, the nonprofit patient safety organization ECRI warned today in a high-priority hazard alert. „Because of the dire situation, US hospitals bought hundreds of thousands of masks produced in China over the past six months, and we’re finding that many aren’t safe and effective against the spread of COVID-19,“ Marcus Schabacker, MD, PhD, ECRI president and CEO, said in a statement.

Zdroj: Most N95 Masks Imported From China Fail to Meet US Standards